
Many times, project success can be determined before the project even starts. Understanding and planning can go a long way in guaranteeing that the project will meet goals and deliver quality results. Our inspection services are excellent tools to help understand a project and force a thorough plan. Whether it’s a remediation, real estate transaction, or even a large commercial project, our experience has shown us that inspections lead to better estimates that delivers successful projects.

Warranty Project Types

Home Inspections
  • Rental property inspections and turnover inspections. Detailed inspection provide property managers, owners and tenants a clear report of condition before during and after rental.
  • Home inspections are great tools for buyers to understand the condition of home they are buying and for sellers to get some insight on what might be found by a buyer-lead inspection. They allow sellers to get ahead of some of the items that might need repair.
Home Inspections
  • Thermal Inspections involve use of a trained inspector utilizing a thermal imaging camera to identify moisture intrusion, plumbing leaks, roof leaks, missing insulation, etc. Our advanced camera allows us to look behind walls to help pinpoint possible hidden issues.
    – Thermal imaging can help find infiltration
    – Cold air entering home through missed insulation
    – Plumbing leaks and clogged lines
    – Find trapped moisture behind walls
    – Roof leaks or thermal breaks
Mold Inspection

Every one can purchase an at-home mold kit from Lowes or Home Depot, but those
kits only tell you that mold is present. Newsflash, mold is everywhere and in all the air you breathe. As a mold professional, we aren’t looking for any mold. We are looking for elevated levels of mold and also any level of certain molds. We start with a mold inspection. A mold inspection involved both a visual inspection of property by trained inspector as well take lab samples for independent analysis of the air or a surface. The visual inspection will help you locate the source of mold and how to properly remediate the issue. The lab tests can tell you not only that mold is present, but what species and what in quantities. The visual + lab results provide a clear view of the nature, size, and urgency of any mold issue that may be present.

SC Companies also performs post-remediation verification to confirm mold remediation performed by SC or another firm has reached satisfactory results. This provides peace of mind and assurance that the remediation was done properly

Air Quality Testing

What to know if you have had a successful remediation or what a status of current air in your home.

The test works by pulling air through a machine at a certain rate onto sticky slides that capture particles in the air. The slides are analyzed to determine the content in the air and at what quantities.

Bacterial Analysis

We offer a full menu of viable bacteria (HAI pathogens, MRSA, Mycobacterium and
environmental bacteria) and viable fungi (Aspergillus, Penicillium, Cryptococcus, Stachybotrys and environmental fungi). All four laboratory locations are CDC Elite-certified for Legionella analysis and in addition, we also perform Sewage Screens, HPC and E.coli P/A on drinking water and non-potable water sources.

Fungal Analysis

We offer a full menu of viable fungal analysis (Aspergillus, Penicillium, Cryptococcus, Stachybotrys and environmental fungi). In addition to viable analysis we also offer a full range of non-viable testing (spore traps, tapes and surface directs and bulk directs) with a variety of TAT.

Non Culturable Analysis

Non-culturable analyses are done by direct microscopic examination of air swabs, tapes or bulk material. This allows for complete characterization of the fungal spores, fruiting structures, hyphal elements and other fungal fragments in addition to pollen grains, elevated levels of bacteria, and identification of select non-biological materials. This total fungal characterization allows identification of fungi that may be both viable upon culture and those that would not be viable upon culture. The advantages of direct reads are that it can be performed quickly, it is useful as a general screening tool and
as an assessment tool for post-verification.


Aerobiology Laboratory offers environmental allergen analysis services which covers dust mites, cat and dog allergens, cockroach, urinary mouse and rat proteins and molds. We can also test for pollen concentrations, and elevated levels of other non-biological components of air that may illicit an allergenic response such as feathers, fiberglass, mineral wool and other building material products